POWRBANK Applications
The POWRBANK is a versatile industrial energy storage solution. Many different temporary power applications use energy storage. Here are a few common POWRBANK applications and use cases.

Nighttime Loads (Office Trailers)

Popular POWRBANK applications include keeping construction site security systems running uninterrupted with silent power all night long. With the POWR2 POWRBANK, the office trailers can be powered throughout the night without causing unwanted noise and fuel emissions.
Low Loads 24/7

A generator running 24/7 burns a huge portion of fuel, regardless of a low load. Low loads can potentially damage the engine. The POWRBANK reduces fuel burn by turning off the generator around 80% of the time.
Noise Ordinance

City noise ordinances outline specific hours when noise needs to be kept below a certain decibel. The POWRBANK discharges stored power completely silently making it the ideal solution to keep power running around the clock while complying with public noise restrictions.
Live Events

Silent power provides a more enjoyable experience for both attendees and hosts. When an event is live streamed, the POWRBANK eliminates generator noise to prevent audio issues.
Remote Sites

Remote locations can cause costly challenges when it comes to refueling and maintenance. The POWRBANK eliminates these challenges by lowering fuel need and reducing service frequency.
Environmentally Sensitive Sites

As companies look to lower their carbon footprint, the POWRBANK is a great energy storage solution to help them make the transition to clean energy and meet their sustainability goals. The POWRBANK reduces emissions at a huge rate.
Construction / Mining / Large-Scale Utility

The POWRBANK MAX can handle temporary-power applications including, but not limited to, tower cranes, large pumps, and hoists. Construction equipment has a significant power demand at start-up. In the case of a tower crane, they are often starting and stopping. Initially, there is a huge load of power and then it switches off. The inrush current of a motor typically determines the size of the generator needed. They are often oversized for most of the job. The POWRBANK MAX can help eliminate generator oversizing. The POWRBANK MAX can now handle both the peak load as well as the low load. The power generator is only used to recharge the POWRBANK battery.
Do you have a specific application in mind? Contact our team to find out if energy storage is the right solution for you.